Annual Meeting Minutes: January 11, 20107:00 PM, First Baptist Church-Clarksville
Board Members:Present: Frank Lombardo, Don McLaren, Stacy Lombardo, Bonnie McLarenQuorum present? Yes
Others Present: Signed-in members of Poplar Hill Homeowners Assn.
Paul Riccio
Robin Riccio
Horst Maggard
Cathie Coppedge
Eleanor Hamilton
Joseph Fox
Jeff Morrow
Gerald Carter
Laura Kirshgraber
Bob Storey
Amber Earl
Andy Guertin
Dian Krone
Justin Meeks
Andre’ Hinton
J.J. Hinton
Terry Paul
Paul Nelson
Tiffany Nelson
Phyllis Fox
Diane Vangyija
· The President welcomed Members and introduced Board.
· The Secretary read the Minutes of the October 17, 2009 Quarterly Members’ meeting. There were no additions or corrections to the Minutes and they were accepted as read.
· The Treasurer was asked to give a Year-To-Date report. Before giving the report, the Treasurer explained to the Members that the Members decide how the Association Dues are spent each year.
The Treasurer gave said Year-To-Date report. Each Member present had received a copy of said report upon signing in.
· The President then proceeded to give a year in review for 2009. It is as follows:
Cul-de-sacs are all finished and Members are now volunteering to remove weeds.
Street signs have been replaced, not repainted.
Maintenance of street lights is now being done by a Member electrician, Ray Ashford, who has done an excellent job this past year, including replacing a street light which was destroyed by a runaway trampoline.
Traffic control is handled by the County and we were unable to get additional STOP signs where needed. However, the County did replace the STOP signs that were faded.
Collection of Dues was a priority. Liens were filed for unpaid Dues, including unpaid late charges.
Quarterly meetings were held.
A violation committee was considered, however, as we only had 1 volunteer, the Board has been handling each violation as it has been reported.
Legal information has been obtained regarding amending the Deed of Restrictions, however, there is a need for a committee to handle the details and there has been no volunteers.
A new Blog site has been created.
Drainage problems have been addressed.
Violations in the neighborhood have been addressed, when presented to Board.
Board has dealt with home in foreclosures regarding upkeep and HOA Dues.
Established Decorating Committee
Established Welcoming Committee
· The President set out Projects to be addressed in 2010:
Establish a Neighborhood Watch.
Work to resolve existing drainage problems.
· The Annual Meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. by the President. The President explained the Rules of Order for the meeting. He also reviewed the By-Laws Rule regarding one (1) Vote per Household.
Then the President asked for a Motion from the floor that the Members retain the current Board of the Association.
Laura Kirshgraber made such a motion and J.J. Hinton seconded said motion. The motion was passed unanimously.
The President then introduced John Doss, Stormwater Coordinator for Montgomery County.
Mr. Doss proceeded to pass out pictures of a major drainage issue near the front of the subdivision where the stormwater leaves the subdivision. He spoke in detail about this matter and convinced the Members present to address this drainage problem with urgency. He mentioned if unresolved in the near future that the Association might find itself with legal problems from the State of Tennessee and/or the property owner adjacent to the entrance of the subdivision.
Gerald Carter (3451 Poplar Hill which is right off of McAdoo Creek Road) said that if Members look along McAdoo Creek Road toward the school that all residents have a drainage pipe under the entryway to their property, but Poplar Hill does not. Mr. Carter said that there are several homes whose properties are flooded, because the water cannot run through to McAdoo Creek. It was recommended by Mr. Doss that the President contact Mike Frost and discuss this issue.
After Mr. Doss’ presentation, several Members suggested that we need to prioritize all drainage problem areas and possibly propose an Assessment to take care of the expenses. One Member said that Dues should not be raised.
· The Treasurer was asked to give the proposed 2010 Budget. The Treasurer presented two (2) separate budgets: one including the drainage expenses and one without the drainage expenses. The drainage expenses in the one report reflected the expenses for the four (4) smaller drainage problems in the subdivision. Each Member present received a copy of each of these reports.
· The Treasurer then presented a third (3rd) proposed 2010 Budget which included ONLY the one (1) drainage problem relating to the exit of stormwater from the subdivision. That is the drainage problem explained in Mr. Doss’ presentation.
There was much discussion among the Members present regarding how to pay for this major drainage repair which conservatively could cost approximately $10,000.
One of the discussions related to the amount of Accounting fees for 2010. The Treasurer explained that we will be billed for two (2) billing cycles in 2010 to facilitate collecting the annual Dues in advance. Annual Dues will be collected July 1, 2010 for the year 2010 and December 1, 2010 for the year 2011.
There continued to be much discussion among the Members, mostly related to how much should the Annual Dues be raised. The amount of $120.00 per year was mentioned during part of the discussions.
Robin Riccio made a motion to approve the third (3rd) proposed 2010 Budget and also to raise the Association Dues to $100 per year. Said motion was seconded by Andy Guertin and a vote taken. The vote was 16 FOR and 0 AGAINST.
Justin Meeks suggested that the $35 that will be collected per household because of the drainage problems be kept in a separate bank account. The Members present were in agreement with that suggestion. The Board will open said account.
Amber Earl made a motion to establish that out of the five (5) drainage problems that the Association is aware of at this time, that the drainage problem presented by Mr. Doss should be addressed and resolved first. The motion was seconded by Diane Vangyija and the vote was 15 FOR and 0 AGAINST.
The President brought up the fact that at the January 31, 2009 Annual Meeting that it was recommended that the Association find out how to amend the Deed of Restrictions to enforce them without legal proceedings.
The President explained to the Members present that it takes 51% of the 281 homes, [one (1) vote per home] to vote for changes to the By-Laws and Deed of Restrictions. It is a huge undertaking to:
Obtain suggestions for changes to these documents,
To decide which suggestions should be put on the ballot, and
To get the (notarized) signature of one (1) person per household on a ballot.
At this Annual Meeting, three (3) volunteers stepped forward to work with the Board and Members to get this process started: Andy Guertin, Stacy Lombardo and Joseph Fox. However, more committee members will be needed.
· Deed of Restrictions Infringement: It is recommended that the Association find out how to amend the Deed of Restrictions to enforce them without legal proceedings.· Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.